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Teeth Grinding in Kennebunk

Woman grinding teethAt Starboard Dental, we’re committed to helping our patients address all aspects of their oral health, including the often-overlooked teeth-grinding issue.

Understanding this condition is the first step towards protecting your smile and overall well-being.


Bruxism and Its Impact on Your Oral Health

Teeth grinding, medically known as bruxism, is the involuntary clenching and grinding of teeth. This habit often occurs during sleep, but some people may also experience it while awake, especially during periods of stress or intense concentration. The constant pressure and motion may cause wear and tear on tooth enamel, weakening of teeth, and potential tooth breakage.

Many teeth grinders are unaware of the habit, making it crucial to recognize the signs and seek professional help; some signs to watch for include:

  • Morning headaches or jaw pain
  • Worn, flattened, or chipped teeth;
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Tight or sore jaw muscles
  • Earaches or facial pain
  • Disrupted sleep

If you notice any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kerbaugh for a comprehensive evaluation.

Care and Interventions for Teeth Grinding

Wearing a night guard while sleeping is one solution to address teeth grinding and protect your oral health. Our custom-fitted device is one of the most effective preventive measures. These devices create a barrier between your upper and lower teeth, absorb the grinding force, and protect your teeth from further damage.

Our team will take impressions of your teeth to create a comfortable, durable night guard tailored to your mouth.

Since stress is a common trigger for teeth grinding, we may also recommend:

Relaxation exercises
Meditation or mindfulness practices
Stress counseling referrals

Sometimes, BOTOX® injections into the jaw muscles can help relax them and reduce grinding intensity.

Dental Restorations to Repair Your Smile

For teeth that have already sustained damage from grinding.

We offer restorative treatments such as:

Dental fillings to repair minor wear and chips
Crowns to protect and strengthen severely worn or damaged teeth

In addition to professional care, you can take steps at home to minimize the impact of teeth grinding by:

Practicing good sleep hygiene
Avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime
Trying jaw relaxation exercises before sleep
Using a warm compress on your jaw before bed to relax muscles

Prevent Further Damage From Bruxism

Don’t let teeth grinding compromise your oral health and quality of life. Contact Starboard Dental today to schedule a consultation. Our skilled team is ready to help you protect your smile and enjoy restful, grind-free nights.


Teeth Grinding Kennebunk ME | (207) 999-7245